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Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Tugas B. Inggris Bisnis 2


Akhir- akhir ini penyakit MERS banyak menyerang negara-negara di dunia. salah satu Negara yang sedang sangat rawan akan penyakit Mers adalah Korea Selatan. lalu sebenarnya apakah MERS itu??

Beberapa waktu lalu, kawasan Timur Tengah menggegerkan dunia dengan munculnya penyakit akibat virus yang mengakibatkan ratusan orang meninggal dunia. Penyakit itu adalah MERS-CoV. Lalu apakah itu MERS-CoV?
Menurut Kementerian Kesehatan RI, MERS merupakan suatu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh corona virus yang disebut dengan Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Virus ini sangat berbeda dengan corona virus lain yang sudah banyak ditemukan. Virus ini mirip dengan corona virus yang ada pada kelelawar. Dan penularan terjadi dari hewan (onta) secara ilmiah belum terbukti diyakini menular human to human melalui titik liur (droplet) yang dihirup oleh orang lain.
Virus ini sama seperti virus yang menyerang pernafasan lainnya. Virus corona sangat mudah menyebar melalui udara. Anda pun dapat mendeteksi dini apakah Anda terserang virus MERS-CoV atau tidak dengan beberapa gejala, seperti panas, gejala respirasi atau pernafasan batuk, sesak dengan atau tanpa nyeri dada, Penurunan fungsi ginjal, Baru pulang dari daerah yang banyak kasus MERS-CoV, Bersentuhan atau berdekatan atau merawat dengan orang lain yang memenuhi kriteria suspek MERS-CoV.

Orang-orang yang mudah terinfeksi virus mematikan ini adalah mereka yang kekebalan tubuhnya rendah, seperti orang yang sedang sakit, lansia, anak kecil, orang yang sedang kelelahan, dalam perjalanan, dan makan tidak teratur.
Oleh sebab itu, untuk lansia diatas usia 65 tahun, anak-anak dibawah usia 12 tahun, dan Anda yang memiliki riwayat penyakit paru berat dan atau penyakit lain nya misalnya Diabetes, penyakit jantung, kanker dan penyakit sistem kekebalan tubuh disarankan untuk tidak melakukan perjalanan ibadah umrah atau haji.
Karena MERS-CoV terbilang sebagai penyakit baru, jadi hingga saat ini memang belum ada vaksin khusus untuk mencegah penyakit ini. Meski begitu, Anda tetap dapat melakukan pencegahan dengan memperkuat imunitas tubuh Anda.
Anda dapat mengonsumsi vitamin agar tubuh tetap fit selama menjalani ibadah haji. Selain itu Anda juga dapat menjaga kebugaran tubuh dengan asupan nutrisi dan istirahat yang cukup. Tak lupa, selama naik haji selalu menggunakan masker dan masker yang digunakan adalah masker N95 yang memenuhi standar dan rajin-rajin untuk mencuci tangan.

Tak hanya itu, Anda juga dihimbau untuk menghindari menyentuh mata, hidung dan mulut dengan tangan yang belum dibersihkan. Penting juga untuk menghindari kontak secara dekat dengan orang yang sedang menderita sakit saat melakukan perjalanan atau berada di kawasan Timur Tengah.
Selain itu, peran aktif masyarakat untuk melaporkan atau membawa pasien dengan kriteria seperti di atas termasuk para dokter yang bekerja pada layanan primer harus cepat tanggap terhadap kasus suspek MERS-CoV.
MERS-CoV pertama kali ditemukan di Negara Arab Saudi pada tahun 2012. Oleh sebab itu, masyarakat Indonesia dihimbau untuk berhati-hati saat akan atau baru saja ke kawasan Timur Tengah, karena virus ini dapat menyebabkan kematian. 


Tugas B. Inggris Bisnis 2

Tugas 1

Exercise 37:
1. The last record that was produced by this company became a gold record.
2. Checking accounts that require a minimum balance are very common now.
3. The professor to whom you spoke yesterday is not here today.
4. John whose grades are the highest in the school has received a scholarship.
5.Felipe bought a camera which has three lenses
6. Frank is the man whom we are going to nominate Frank for the office of treasurer
7. The doctor is with a patient whose leg whose broken in an accident.
8. Jane is the woman who going to China next year.
9. Janet wants a typewriter who self-corrects.
10. This book which i found last week contains some useful information
11. Mr. Bryant whose team has lost the game looks very sad.
12. James wrote an article which indicated that he dislike the president.
13. The director of the program who graduated from Harvard University is planning to retire next year.
14. This is the book that i have been looking for this book all year.
15. William whose brother is a lawyer wants to become a judge.

Exercise 38:
1. George who was chosen to represent the committee at the convention.
2. All of the money accepted has already been released.
3. The papers on the table belong to Patricia.
4. The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime
5. The girl drinking coffee is Mary Allen.
6. John's wife is professor, has written several papers on this subject.
7. The man is talking to the policeman is my uncle.
8. The book on the top shelf is the one that i need
9. The number of students have been counted is quite high.
10. Leo Evan' is a doctor. Leo eats in this restaurant everyday.

Exercise 39:
1. (correct)
2. (correct)
3. (correct)
4. (correct)
5. (correct)
6. (correct)
7. I advise that you take the prerequisities befor registering for this course
8. (correct)
10. (correct)

Tugas B.Inggris Bisnis 2

Tugas 2 - Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces a relative clause. It is called a "relative" pronoun because it "relates" to the word that its relative clause modifies. Here is an example:
  • The person who phoned me last night is my teacher.
In the above example, "who":
  • relates to "The person", which "who phoned me last night" modifies
  • introduces the relative clause "who phoned me last night"
There are five relative pronouns: whowhomwhosewhichthat*
Who (subject) and whom (object) are generally only for people. Whose is for possession. Which is for things. That can be used for things and people only in defining relative clauses (clauses that are essential to the sentence and do not simply add extra information).**
Relative pronouns can refer to singular or plural, and there is no difference between male and female.
Look at these examples showing defining and non-defining relative clauses:
 example sentences
S=subject, O=object, P=possessive
defining relative clausesS- The person who phoned me last night is my teacher.
- The person that phoned me last night is my teacher.
"that" is preferable
- The car which hit me was yellow.
- The car that hit me was yellow.
"that" is preferable
O- The person whom I phoned last night is my teacher.
- The people who I phoned last night are my teachers.
- The person that I phoned last night is my teacher.
- The person I phoned last night is my teacher.
"whom" is correct but formal

relative pronoun is optional
- The car which I drive is old.
- The car that I drive is old.
- The car I drive is old.
"that" is preferable to "which"

relative pronoun is optional
P- The student whose phone just rang should stand up.
- Students whose parents are wealthy pay extra.
- The police are looking for the car whose driver was masked.
- The police are looking for the car of which the driver was masked.
"whose" can be used with things

"of which" is also possible
non-defining relative clausesS- Mrs Pratt, who is very kind, is my teacher. 
- The car, which was a taxi, exploded.
- The cars, which were taxis, exploded.
O- Mrs Pratt, whom I like very much, is my teacher.
- Mrs Pratt, who I like very much, is my teacher.
"whom" is correct but formal

"who" is common in spoken English and informal written English
- The car, which I was driving at the time, suddenly caught fire. 
P- My brother, whose phone you just heard, is a doctor. 
- The car, whose driver jumped out just before the accident, was completely destroyed.
- The car, the driver of whichjumped out just before the accident, was completely destroyed.
"whose" can be used with things

"of which" is also possible
*Not all grammar sources count "that" as a relative pronoun.
**Some people claim that we should not use "that" for people but must use "who/whom". There is no good reason for such a claim; there is a long history of "that" for people in defining relative clauses from Chaucer, Shakespeare and the Authorized Version of The Bible to Fowler's and Churchill.
